Sunday 22 August 2010

09Bullying Petition Please Write To MP

First of all a very big thank you for signing the 09Bullying petition. The Governments response to the 09Bullying Petition I feel that the only way any Government will implement a change in Legislation if everyone writes to their MP and asks them to support a change in Legislation.

Please write to your MP a sample letter below:: Or better still write your own letter. Or you could always use the sample letter on Tim Fields Website.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

The Governments response to the 09Bullying Petition was extremely disappointing. As my elected representative could you please campaign for a change of legislation concerning Bullying in the workplace. As my elected MP could you please raise my concerns in Parliament, by introducing a Private Members Bill or Expanding on the dignity at work Bill.

The action I feel would be beneficial if all Grievances were recorded, i.e tape recorded/video recorded, and an independent employment consultancy, or another independent organisation that had no ties with the perpetrator investigated all Grievances/Appeals pertaining to bullying/harassment . This may sound expensive, if you think of the cost in the long run it will be a lot cheaper than: Sickness; Counselling; Tribunal, etc.

Education is the key as bullying thrives on silence. A zero tolerance to bullying and make information on how to deal with bullying known throughout all industries.

Thank you for your assistance

Yours sincerely
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Please forward this email on to all networks...Thanks
