Thursday 7 January 2010

Oak Vale Medical Centre Please Write to MP/Councillor/MEP

Friend gets local paper and what happens PCT want to close my local surgery down and move it a mile away. Hull said: “Although we will take notice of the petition,we would urge anyone who has a strong viewpoint to take part in the consultation." What happened to good old fashioned surgeries. Everything is about cost, what about the human cost. We need local Doctors not faceless Centres. We are people not machines that have to be moved when a jumped up dictator decides it's more cost efficient.

 Oak Vale Medical Centre has served the community for over 44 years and yet suddenly the powers that be decide it's time to move. If it is not broke don't fix it. How are elderly and sick people going to get to this new surgery? There will be more request for home visits thus putting a strain on the health service.

I noticed there was no letter in the post informing the patients about this proposed change and the meeting was held at 7 pm when the roads and pavements are icy and the majority of the population are staying in...what a democratic method of implementing a change...perhaps if everyone received a ballot paper...with yes or no would more democratic way of finding out what the patients wants.

Please write to your MP/ Councillors about this

Here are several templates which people may wish to use:

Dear xxx

In a representative democracy, it is important that those who make the rules are also required to abide by them Liverpool Primary Care Trust has failed in it's duty to do this. I feel that Liverpool Primary Care Trust has failed in it's duty of care towards the patients of Oak Vale Medical Centre, by failing to consult with the patients properly over the proposed move of Oak Vale Medical Centre. There has been no written explanation in the post. No offer of a postal ballot for the patients to decide if they wish to move. There was a meeting which was held at 7 pm, when the roads and pavements were icy and the majority of the population would not venture out, as the conditions were treacherous and there was no notification of this meeting except in the Local Newspaper that evening.

I would also point out that the actions of the Primary Care Trust contravenes the following Human Rights Acts:

Article 2 of the Human Rights Act. (Right to Life). As a consequence of the move Elderly people could die.

Article 8 of the Human Rights Act (Right to respect for private and family life ) As a consequence of the move it will have a derogatory impact on the families of Old Swan.

Article 17 of the Human Rights Act (Prohibition of abuse of rights). Liverpool Primary Care Trust has abused it power by not consulting with the patients of Oak Vale Medical Centre.

Article 18 ( Limitation on use of restrictions on rights) The patients of Old Swan have not been allowed the right to choose the location of Oak Vale Medical Centre.

Oak Vale Medical Centre has served the community for over 44 years and yet suddenly the powers that be decide it's time to move. How are elderly are the elderly, young families and sick people going to get to this new surgery? There will be more request for home visits thus putting a strain on the health service.

As my local elected politician please intervene and stop this regressive move and waste of public money and allow the residents of Old Swan to continue receiving the excellent service provided by the health professions of Oak Vale Medical Centre at Edge Lane not the Fiveways.

Thank you for your assistance

Yours sincerely


A template if you are writing on behalf of an elderly relative  please remember to alter it...if it is Father/Aunty ...or someone else.


I am writing on behalf of my Mother who is 90 years old and totally opposed to the move of Oak Vale Medical Centre to Childwall Fiveways as this will have a detrimental effect on her health. As my Mothers elected representative please stop this regressive move and waste of public money and allow the residents of Old Swan to continue receiving the excellent service provided by the health professions of Oak Vale Medical Centre at Edge Lane not the Fiveways.

Yours sincerely

Found this website which is quite helpful..until someone upsets you again.

Only about 2% of bullying cases make it to employment tribunal due to the inadequacy of UK law When you complete the petition - it will email you a link which you have to click to actually have your name added to the list. Please do remember to check your spam folder if your email doesn't appear and make sure your name is on the list